- Mixed Media Fiber Art Quilts
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- Trapped in a Box
Trapped in a Box
Trapped in a Box
Size: 38” H x 41” W
Machine and hand quilted, hand sewn with doll toys, found objects, beads and buttons.
Statement: Systemic oppression keeps us in boxes. Cis women, transwomen, and femme identified and gender nonconforming folk are all placed in these boxes. We are intersections and when we stand in solidarity we are part of the solution to dismantle these boxes. This work uses the traditional quilt blocks with paper doll images of girls. Traditionally quilting for beds were one of the few forms of art where women were allowed free expression. The cluster in the center of the work depicts some elements typically called “girl things”. The radiating circles in quilting move from the center out toward the edge layer of buttons representing the breaking from these traditional trappings.
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